Pantries are like the motor vehicles of the kitchen. They come in all different shapes and sizes, some designed more for function and some designed more for fashion. They can vary in color, dimension, capacity, and feature varying options for upgrades. The growing trend in custom home design, both new construction and minor remodels, is …
Memphis In May Festival Bringing the World to Memphis….and Memphis to the World! This month-long event brings education, fun, music and BBQ to the Bluff City. Enjoy tunes from classic artists as well as today’s radio stars at the Beale Street Music Festival May 4-6. This festival showcases musicians from every music style imaginable. Artist this …
Kitchens are not only are the heart of the home, but the heart of home design in recent years. Changes in design over the last five years have made kitchens not only more functional, but more open to the rest of the home. When redesigning a home or building a new home, kitchen design should …
Color Diversity: Neutral colors still dominate, but builders and buyers are looking to diversify those tones away from just creams and beiges. As such, we’re seeing more grays and blues, but still in muted, warm versions. Grays: Still, expect to see darker grays popping up more, as well, just as we’ve seen on the home’s interior. Some …