It’s a little thing we say to each other around my house and follows, I think, from the line attributed to Sir Winston Churchill, who quipped, “I’m easily satisfied with the very best.” When I happened upon Belgian Pearls, the blog of 4th generation Belgian interiors firm Lefèvre, and noticed that among the handful of worldwide, favorite architects listed …
It’s fireplace season again, and here are some helpful accessories and how-to tips from our friends at The Wall Street Journal. Click here!
Grahams Lighting Fixture offers exotic imports, personally selected by Graham’s buyers in Europe’s finest factories, and handcrafted chandeliers and lanterns from Graham’s own Fourteenth Colony fabrication shop in Memphis. Hands down one of our favorite resources. The second generation of Akers homebuilders is now purchasing top-quality lighting products from its third generation of Grahams. Jim …